Albert City Truesdale
Company Name: Albert City Truesdale
Status: Active
State: Iowa
Post: 50510-0000
County: Buena Vista
City: Albert City
Address: 300 Orchard Street
Phone: (712)843-5496
Fax: (712)843-5551
Contact Principal: Francie Newgard
Web site:
SIC code: 821103 Industry group: Educational Services, Business category: Elementary And Secondary Schools, Subcategory: Schools
Employees: 68
Overall: Albert City Truesdale is a business categorized under elementary and secondary schools, which is part of the larger category educational services. Albert City Truesdale is located at the address 300 Orchard Street in Albert City, Iowa 50510-0000. The Principal is Francie Newgard who can be contacted at (712)843-5496.
Description: Elementary And Secondary Schools
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